Julianne Baird and I first met in the fall of 1981 at her home near Philadelphia. We had arranged to meet and read through a number of English lute songs in preparation for a concert of music from Shakespeare's plays with the Baltimore Consort. During that first meeting, we read through several of the songs we have since recorded and continue to perform today, and we slipped easily into an unspoken agreement about phrasing and movement in music. My initial impression, aside from the beauty of her voice, was that Julianne is a particularly natural singer to follow, with a spontaneous musical sense that draws out my best playing. - Ronn McFarlane
- It was a lover and his lasse
- Author of light, revive my dying spright
- Watkin's Ale
- So beautie on the waters stood
- When Laura smiles
- Galliard
- A Musicall Banquet: Book of Songs, Book 4, "A Pilgrimes Solace": In darkness let me dwell
- Bonny Sweet Boy
- Greensleeves
- Wand'ring in this Place
- Packington's Pound
- Shall I come, sweet love, to thee?
- Book of Songs, Book 2: Sorrow, stay, lend true repentant tears
- Sweet Youth Go Bruise Thy Pillow
- Kemp's Jig
- It Fell on a Summer's Day: It fell on a sommers daie
- Book of Songs, Book 1: Come again, sweet love doth now invite
- Wilson's Wild
- Book of Songs, Book 1: Away with these self-loving lads
- Mark how the blushful morn
- Bookes of Ayres, Book 2: Never weather-beaten saile more willing bent to shore
- Cradle Pavan
- If thou long'st so much to learne
- Robinson's May
- Book of Songs, Book 3: Time stands still